This Queensland Government Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation Management Training is a mandatory requirement for licensees (if they are individuals) and approved managers. Licensees or business owners must ensure that all their Approved Managers have a current RMLV certificate which includes the Queensland RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol).
How long is RMLV training valid?
The certificate will remain current for a period of three years, after which the training must be repeated.
Does completing the RMLV course automatically make me an approved manager?
No. After completing the course, graduates must apply to OLGR (Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation) to become an approved manager. This process takes several weeks if you have never been in the industry before, and involves a police check, or it can be fast-tracked for previous licensees.
Your approved manager status is current for 5 years, even if you leave your present employer.
NEW - RMLV Course is now available as one day HD Video Training - complete your course from the comfort of your own home.
What is the cost of the course?
AIBI charges $395 for the two days, which includes a compendium of notes, morning tea, and a substantial lunch. When you complete your RMLV course, you are considered to have also completed (QLD) RSA Training.
We now have a dedicated RMLV website where all your RMLV questions are answered, and you can access useful resources to assist in the management of your licensed business.
Please contact our Director, Anne Finamore, for more information, or phone the office on (07) 5452 9836 to confirm your booking.
Are you interested in training with AIBI? Contact us today and we'll arrange an online meeting.
Queensland Responsible Management of Licensed Venues Certification
- Become an approved manager at a licensed venue