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This qualification leads to a supervisory position in upmarket companies, or in exotic locations such as snowfields, resorts, and cruise ships. The more skills you bring to the job - such as a second language, or impressive cocktail making ability, the more you will be in demand, and the more opportunities will open for you.

What conditions apply before I can be accepted into the Cert IV Hospitality?

  • You must already have (or can use prior learning skills) to fast track your way through a Certificate III in Hospitality. In other words, you are competent in basic operational skills
  • You must be currently employed in the hospitality industry
  • You must meet other Government eligibility conditions as posted on the DESBT website if you wish to apply for a Queensland Government higher level skills course subsidy

Management Level Micro-Credentials

Should you not wish to undertake an entire Certificate IV, we also have a series of Micro-Credentials available at the Cert IV level. For example, you may wish to enrol in stand-alone units such as Design and cost menus, Manage finances within a budget or Implement & monitor WHS practices

If this sounds attractive, please visit our dedicated hospitality website where you will find more information.

Are you interested in training with AIBI? Contact us today and we'll arrange a meeting.

Contact Us


SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality


  • Duty Manager (Bar or Front of House)
  • Restaurant Supervisor
  • Functions Manager
  • Café Operator


You have always gone beyond my expectations. Thank you.

— Margaret, Job Service Advisor


Thank you for the support and teaching you gave to Mark, in order for him to achieve his Certificate III in hospitality.

— Helen M, Parent


Anne's knowledge of the hospitality industry and regulatory bodies is unmatched, coupled with the ability to teach related skills.

— Peter, Community Club Manager


You have always gone beyond my expectations. Thank you.

— Margaret, Job Service Advisor, Sunshine Coast


Thank you for the support and teaching you gave to Mark, in order for him to achieve his Certificate III in hospitality.

— Helen M, Parent


Anne's knowledge of the hospitality industry and regulatory bodies is unmatched, coupled with the ability to teach related skills.

— Peter, Community Club Manager