The AIBI Certificate III in Business - BSB30115 - has been designed after extensive consultation with local businesses, in the fields of Financial Planning, Accounting and the Club Industry.
Are you a Social Media star, or do you want to learn how to use it effectively for business marketing? Modern businesses want these skills!
Perhaps you were great in English at school? You will find that the Cert III in Business will build on your ability in this area and make you a valued employee.
Your general computer expertise will also come in handy as you learn new programs, and are able to contribute to the business in the print and online media areas.
You can start your Cert III in Business while still at school, or immediately after you graduate.
If you have completed Cert II in Business at school, you may be eligible for RPL in certain cases. Please contact our director Anne Finamore or submit the 'contact us' form on the left of this page, and we can explore all your options and entitlements.
We are an accredited Registered Training Organisation - Provider Number 32055